Somewhere over the rainbowSkies are blueAnd the DREAMS that you DARE to DREAMSReally do comes TRUE


Dear MidNitE

Its midnight and 
my eyes just staring at the wall opposite 
no sleep, no dreams, i sit and 
watch the drama unfolding before me

Like an empty canvas waiting for an artist
i wait in anticipation wondering
when and wondering why
I did all i could, so i believe so, 
what is happening is beyond my grasp and
i can only watch as a mere spectator
A mere spectator in my own life 
one moment its all the way up, 
the next its hanging in balance, 
the tension is nerve wracking

Patience is all i have and 
patience is all that i need as i watch the things unfold 
and let things take shape at its own pace
i waited a long time for this, 
so what difference it is going to make to wait a little bit more 
but for how long should i be the villain in my own life
i wish i could answer all the questions running in my mind,
i wish i could end all the battles being fought inside, 
i wish i do not have to wait for long i wish,
i hope and i believe (maybe) tomorrow will be better than today

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